Category: SysAdmin

  • HOWTO: Upgrade from Subversion 1.4 to 1.6 on CentOS 5

    How to upgrade the packages and existing repositories from Subversion 1.4 to 1.6.6 on CentOS 5.

    # File: Subversion_1.6_Upgrade.notes
    # Auth: burly
    # Date: 12/01/2009
    # Refs:
    #       http://dev/
    # Desc: Upgrading from subversion 1.4 to 1.6.6 on CentOS 5
    #       NOTE:These instructions are actually fairly generic 
    #       in regards to the version of SVN you are upgrading
    #       from/to. At the time of writing, it just happened
    #       to be 1.4 -> 1.6.6
    # Backup each repository
    svnadmin dump /srv/svn/<repo> > /backup/svn/<Repo>_20091201_rXXXX.dump
    # Backup any hooks or configuration files in 
    # /srv/svn/<repo>/hooks and /srv/svn/conf
    # Setup yum to allow the package to come in from
    # RPMforge (must setup RPMforge repo first).
    vim /etc/yum.repos.d/Centos-Base.repo
    # Add the following line at the end of each section
    # in the Centos-Base.repo
    exclude=subversion mod_dav_svn
    # Restart the yum update daemon
    service yum-updatesd restart
    # Upgrade subversion
    yum upgrade subversion
    # For each repository
    #    delete the existing repo
    rm -rf /srv/svn/<repo>
    # Create a new repo
    svnadmin create /srv/svn/<repo> --fs-type fsfs
    # Import the data
    svnadmin load /srv/svn/<repo> < /backup/srv/<Repo>_20091201_rXXXX.dump
    # Restore any hooks or configuration files in 
    # /srv/svn/<repo>/hooks and /srv/svn/<repo>/conf
    # If you are using Trac, you'll need to resync the repo
    trac-admin /srv/trac/<repo> resync
  • HOWTO: Migrate an Existing RAID Array to a New Array

    How to migrate from an existing software RAID 1 array to a new RAID 1 array on CentOS 5.5

    # File: Migrate_to_new_RAID_Array_on_CentOS_5.5.notes
    # Auth: burly
    # Date: 11/20/2010
    # Refs: 
    # Desc: How migrate from one RAID 1 array to a new one
    #       on CentOS 5.5
    # I booted from a Knoppix CD to do this. In retrospect,
    # I should have used a CentOS LiveCD because the
    # tooling, versions, and layout of Knoppix are different 
    # which caused some issues. Also, because my OS is x86-64
    # but Knoppix is x86, I could not chroot into my system 
    # environment, which are ultimately required to create the
    # initrd files.
    # Boot from the Knoppix CD and drop to a shell
    # Start up the existing RAID Array (one of the 2 drives
    # from the existing RAID 1 array was on sdc for me)
    mdadm --examine --scan /dev/sdc1 >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
    mdadm --examine --scan /dev/sdc2 >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
    mdadm --examein --scan /dev/sdc3 >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
    /etc/init.d/mdadm start
    /etc/init.d/mdadm-raid start
    # Partition first SATA drive in whatever partition numbers
    # and sizes you want. Make sure all partitions that 
    # will be in an RAID array use ID type "fd" for RAID 
    # autodetect and type "82" for swap. Make sure /boot
    # is marked with the bootable flag
    fdisk /dev/sda
    # Repeat for the other disks OR if you are using the
    # identical setup on each, you can use sfdisk to 
    # simplify your life.
    sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sfdisk /dev/sdb
    # Create the new boot array
    # NOTE: If you don't use metadata 0.90 (but instead 
    #       1.0 or 1.1) you'll run into problems with grub.
    #       In RAID 1, with metadata 0.90, you can mount
    #       the fs on the partition without starting RAID.
    #       With newer versions of metadata the superblock
    #       for RAID gets written at the beginning of the 
    #       partition where the filesystem superblock
    #       normally would go. This results in the inability
    #       to mount the filesystem without first starting
    #       RAID. In the case of your boot partition, this 
    #       results in the inability to setup grub and thus boot.
    mdadm --create --verbose --metadata=0.90 /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1
    # Copy everything over for /boot
    mkdir /mnt/oldBoot
    mkdir /mnt/newBoot
    mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0
    mount --options=ro /dev/md0 /mnt/oldBoot
    cd /mnt/oldBoot
    find . -mount -print0 | cpio -0dump /mnt/newBoot
    # Make the new swap
    mkswap /dev/sda2
    mkswap /dev/sdb2
    # Create the new array for LVM. I used metadata
    # 0.90 again for consistency AND because I believe
    # the version of mdadm in CentOS won't handle newer
    # versions of it
    mdadm --create --verbose --metadata=0.90 /dev/md1 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3
    # Setup LVM2
    pvcreate /dev/md1
    vgcreate vg /dev/md1
    lvcreate -L8G -nroot vg
    lvcreate -L10G -nhome vg
    lvcreate -L250G -nvm vg
    # Format the filesystems.
    # NOTE: I fixed the reserved space to 1% (default is 5%)
    #       for the VM LV to save some space and 
    #       because in larger, non-root partitions, you
    #       don't need all that reserved space.
    mkfs.ext3 /dev/vg/root
    mkfs.ext3 /dev/vg/home
    mkfs.ext3 -m 1 /dev/vg/vm
    # Copy everything over for /
    mkdir /mnt/oldRoot
    mkdir /mnt/newRoot
    mount --options=ro /dev/vgOS/lvRoot /mnt/oldRoot
    mount /dev/vg/root /mnt/newRoot
    cd /mnt/oldRoot
    find . -mount -print0 | cpio -0dump /mnt/newRoot
    # Copy everything over for /home
    mkdir /mnt/oldHome
    mkdir /mnt/newHome
    mount --options=ro /dev/vgOS/lvHome /mnt/oldHome
    mount /dev/vg/home /mnt/newHome
    cd /mnt/oldHome
    find . -mount -print0 | cpio -0dump /mnt/newHome
    # Copy everything over for /boot
    mkdir /mnt/oldVM
    mkdir /mnt/newVM
    mount --options=ro /dev/vgOS/lvVM /mnt/oldVM
    mount /dev/vg/vm /mnt/newVM
    cd /mnt/oldVM
    find . -mount -print0 | cpio -0dump /mnt/newVM
    # Remove any existing/stale lines in the mdadm.conf file
    # Setup the mdadm config on the new /
    mdadm -Esb /dev/sda1 >> /mnt/newRoot/etc/mdadm.conf
    mdadm -Esb /dev/sda3 >> /mnt/newRoot /etc/mdadm.conf
    # Update fstab on the new machine to use the new 
    # mount points (e.g. if you changed VolumeGroup or 
    # LogicalVolume names)
    vim /mnt/newRoot/etc/fstab
    # REBOOT TO A CENTOS LIVECD (if you weren't already on one)
    # First we chroot
    mkdir /mnt/sysimage
    mount /dev/vg/root /mnt/sysimage
    mount /dev/vg/home /mnt/sysimage/home
    mount /dev/md0 /mnt/sysimage/boot
    mount --bind /dev /mnt/sysimage/dev
    mount -t proc none /mnt/sysimage/proc
    mount -t sysfs none /mnt/target/sys
    chroot /mnt/sysimage
    # Make a new initrd to boot from
    cd /boot
    mv initrd-2.6.18-194.26.1.el5.img initrd-2.6.18-194.26.1.el5.img.bak
    mkinitrd initrd-2.6.18-194.26.1.el5.img  2.6.18-194.26.1.el5
    # Setup grub on both of the drives
    # Reboot!
  • HOWTO: Create a Local Repository Mirror on Ubuntu

    How to create and use a local repository mirror on Ubuntu 9.10. These instructions should work with minor modifications for other versions of Ubuntu.

    # File: HOWTO Create a Local Repository Mirror on Ubuntu.notes
    # Date: 2010/03/17
    # Refs:
    # Desc: How to create a local repository for 
    #       Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala.
    # -------------------------------------
    #           Setup the Server
    # -------------------------------------
    # Install Ubuntu (I used 9.10) on a machine with plenty of 
    # free storage space (I used an 8GB OS vmdk and an 80GB data 
    # vmdk used through LVM so that I could easily add/grow to
    # it in the future if necessary).
    # Create the mirror user, I'll be using ubuntu.
    # NOTE: You don't have to add this user to the wheel but if you don't, the steps below that require sudo
    #       will require you to run them from an account with root or wheel access and may also require
    #       that you change the ownership/group of files/directories afterwards.
    sudo useradd -m ubuntu -Gusers,wheel
    sudo password ubuntu
    # UPDATE 2012/01/30: As Dave points out below, you'll need to create your mirrorkeyring folder with the correct user account.
    #                    If you aren't already running as that user, you can change your shell using su
    su - ubuntu
    # Update your apt-get package listing
    sudo apt-get update
    # Install debmirror
    sudo apt-get install debmirror
    # Create the location for the repo data to live
    sudo mkdir -P /mirror/ubuntu
    # Set the permissions for the repo data
    sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /mirror/ubuntu
    sudo chmod -R 771 /mirror/ubuntu
    # Setup the keyring for correctly verifying Release signatures
    gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /home/ubuntu/mirrorkeyring/trustedkeys.gpg --import /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg
    # Create the script
    vim /home/ubuntu/
    # NOTE: The ubuntu community documentation has you using 
    #       the HTTP protocol for the mirror build script
    #       however, I prefer rsync because we can rate limit.
    #       When the download is going to take days,
    #       I'd like to be able to use my connection in
    #       the interim.
    # --------------------------------------------
    # --------------------------------------------
    ## Setting variables with explanations.
    # Don't touch the user's keyring, have our own instead
    export GNUPGHOME=/home/ubuntu/mirrorkeyring
    # Arch=         -a      # Architecture. 
    # For Ubuntu can be i386, amd64, powerpc and/or sparc (sparc support begins with dapper)
    # Comma separated values
    # Minimum Ubuntu system requires main, restricted
    # Section=      -s      # Section
    # (One of the following - main/restricted/universe/multiverse).
    # You can add extra file with $Section/debian-installer.
    # ex: main/debian-installer,universe/debian-installer,multiverse/debian-installer,restricted/debian-installer
    # Release=      -d      # Release of the system
    # (Dapper, Edgy, Feisty, Gutsy, Hardy, IntrepidJaunty, Karmic), 
    # and the -updates and -security ( -backports can be added if desired)
    # Server=       -h      # Server name,
    # minus the protocol and the path at the end
    # CHANGE "*" to equal the mirror you want to create your
    # mirror from. au. in Australia  ca. in Canada. This can be 
    # found in your own /etc/apt/sources.list file, 
    # assuming you have Ubuntu installed.
    # Dir=          -r      # Path from the main server,
    # so http://my.web.server/$dir, Server dependant
    # Lead with a '/' for everything but rsync,
    # where we lead with a ':'
    # Proto=        -e      # Protocol to use for transfer
    # (http, ftp, hftp, rsync)
    # Choose one - http is most usual the service, and the
    # service must be availabee on the server you point at.
    # NOTE: debmirror uses -aIL --partial by default.
    #       However, if you provide the --rsync-options
    #       paramter (which we do) then you HAVE to provide 
    #       it -aIL --partial in addition to whatever You
    #       want to add (e.g. --bwlimit) If you don't
    #       debmirror will exit with thousands of files
    #       missing.
    rsyncoptions="-aIL --partial --bwlimit=100"
    # Outpath=              # Directory to store the mirror in
    # Make this a full path to where you want to mirror the material.
    # The --nosource option only downloads debs and not deb-src's
    # The --progress option shows files as they are downloaded
    # --source \ in the place of --no-source \ if you want sources also.
    # --nocleanup  Do not clean up the local mirror after mirroring
    # is complete. Use this option to keep older repository
    # Start script
    debmirror       -a $arch \
                    --no-source \
                    -s $section \
                    -h $server \
                    -d $dist \
                    -r $inPath \
                    --progress \
                    -e $proto \
                    --rsync-options="$rsyncoptions" \
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------
    # Add execute permissions on the script
    chmod +x
    # Run the script
    # Go home, kick back, have a beer while it downloads 43GBs 
    # (in the case of karmic, karmic-update, karmic-securty for
    # i386 and amd64)
    # --------------------------------------
    #          Setup the mirror
    # --------------------------------------
    # Install apache2
    sudo apt-get install apache2
    # Symlink the mirror data into the web root
    sudo ln -s /mirror/ubuntu /var/www/ubuntu
    # Point your browser at http://localhost/ubuntu and
    # you should see your pool!
    # -------------------------------------
    #        Updating the Repo Mirror
    # -------------------------------------
    # To update the repo mirror, just execute the
    # script used to initially build it.
    # -------------------------------------
    #   Configure Clients to Use this Repo
    # -------------------------------------
    # Update the apt sources list
    cd /etc/apt
    sudo mv sources.list sources.list.orig
    sudo sensible-editor sources.list
    # Replace 'mirrorbox' with your server's DNS name 
    # (e.g.
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Local network mirror sources.
    deb http://mirrorbox/ubuntu karmic main restricted universe multiverse
    deb http://mirrorbox/ubuntu karmic-updates main restricted universe multiverse
    deb http://mirrorbox/ubuntu karmic-security main restricted universe multiverse
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Test to see if you are able to pull down updates 
    # from the new mirror
    sudo apt-get update
  • Erasing a hard drive using a Linux LiveCD

    Normally when I need to erase a hard drive, I use dban. Recently however, I’ve run into issues with dban not detecting disks (I’m guessing it doesn’t support the I/O controller/drivers). While it isn’t as secure, a decent and easy way is to just zero out the hard drive using a Linux LiveCD (besides, if you really want it done securely, physically destroy the drive). Ubuntu is my usual distro of choice but there are tons out there that will work.

    dd if=/dev/ of=/dev/sda bs=4096

    To get an update on it’s progress, you can signal it from another terminal using

    pkill -USR1 ^dd
  • HOWTO: Setup a DHCP Server on Ubuntu 9.10

    Setting up a DHCP server on a LAN with Ubuntu 9.10. These instructions should also basically work on Ubuntu 10.x.

    # File:	HOWTO Configure a DHCP Server on Ubuntu.notes
    # Date:	2010/03/24
    # Refs:
    # Desc:	Setting up a DHCP server on a LAN with Ubuntu 9.10
    # Install DHCP3
    sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server
    # Specify the interface(s) that dhcp3-server should manage
    # in /etc/default/dhcp3-server
    # Set a static IP for the DHCP server itself on the
    # interfaces that it will manage in /etc/network/interfaces
    auth eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
    # Edit the etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf configuration file
    # I'm going to be running a host-only 
    # vmnet on eth0 with fixed addresses for several machines 
    # in my example here
    ddns-update-style none;
    log-facility local7;
    subnet netmask {
        option routers    ;
        option subnet-mask;
        option broadcast-address;
        option domain-name-servers;
        option ntp-servers;
        default-lease-time          7200;
        max-lease-time              86400;
        host helium {
                hardware ethernet 00:0c:29:c6:de:09;
        host lithium {
                hardware ethernet 00:0c:29:d8:d5:7f;
        host beryllium {
                hardware ethernet 00:0c:29:b6:93:41;
        host boron {
                hardware ethernet 00:0c:29:3f:c6:f3;
  • HOWTO: Setup a Locally Authoritative DNS Server on Ubuntu 9.10

    How to setup a locally authoritative DNS server on a LAN with Ubuntu 9.10. These instructions should work almost entirely on Ubuntu 10.x without modification.

    # File:	HOWTO Setup a DNS Server on Ubuntu 9.10.notes
    # Date:	2010/03/25
    # Refs:
    # Desc:	Setting up a locally authoritative DNS server on a LAN with Ubuntu 9.10
    # Install bind9 (the actual DNS server) and the dnsutils package
    # (useful for testing and troubleshooting DNS issues). We 
    # also install resolvconf so that we can manage the static
    # IP DNS settings in /etc/network/interfaces since NetworkManager
    # will stomp on any changes we make to /etc/resolv.conf
    sudo apt-get install bind9 dnsutils resolvconf
    # Establish a static IP for the nameserver by editing
    # /etc/network/interfaces. In our setup, we have a multihomed
    # machine with eth0 static on the trusted LAN and eth1 DHCP
    # to the internet
    auto eth0
    iface eth0 inet static
        # dns-options are implemented by the resolvconf package
    # Make the static IP changes take affect
    # NOTE: You should be able to use 
    # ifconfig <interface> down/up, but I found rebooting to be
    # the only reliable way. Also, when these changes take effect,
    # you'll have NO internet DNS yet, so beware.
    sudo shutdown -r now
    # For our setup here, I want to be an authoritative nameserver 
    # on the local LAN, so I need at least 1 Forward Zone and
    # 1 Reverse Zone for it. Our domain is and our 
    # subnet is First we add the zones to
    # /etc/bind/named.conf.local
    zone "" {
            type master;
            file "/etc/bind/";
    zone "" {
            type master
            notify no;
            file "/etc/bind/db.192";
    # Use an existing zone file as a template
    sudo cp /etc/bind/db.local /etc/bind/
    # Edit the /etc/bind/ file to fit our zone requirements
    ; BIND data file for
    $TTL    604800
    @       IN      SOA (
                           20100325         ; Serial (YYYYMMDD)
                             604800         ; Refresh
                              86400         ; Retry
                            2419200         ; Expire
                             604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
    @       IN      NS
    @       IN      A
    ns      IN      A
    ; Hostname entries
    hydrogen    IN  A
    helium      IN  A
    lithium     IN  A
    beryllium   IN  A
    boron       IN  A
    # Use an existing reverse zone file as a template
    sudo cp /etc/bind/db.127 /etc/bind/db.192
    # Edit the Reverse Zone file for our reqs
    ; BIND reverse data file for
    $TTL    604800
    @       IN      SOA (
                           20100325         ; Serial (YYYYMMDD)
                             604800         ; Refresh
                              86400         ; Retry
                            2419200         ; Expire
                             604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
    @       IN      NS      ns.
    1       IN      PTR
    ; Hostname RNL pointers
    2       IN      PTR
    3       IN      PTR
    4       IN      PTR
    5       IN      PTR
    # Start the bind9 daemon
    sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 start
    # Check the status of the server. You should get a big 
    # printout from the local nameserver
    dig @localhost
  • HOWTO: Configure a Local NTP Server on Ubuntu 9.10

    Setting up a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server and configuring NTP clients on a LAN with Ubuntu 9.10. These instructions should also work for Ubuntu 10.x but may require slight tweaking for use with upstart.

    # File:	HOWTO Configure a Local NTP server on Ubuntu.notes
    # Date:	2010/03/16
    # Refs:
    # Desc:	Setting up an NTP server and configuring NTP clients
    #       on a LAN with Ubuntu 9.10
    # -------------------------------------
    #           Configure the Server
    # -------------------------------------
    # We can't uninstall ntpdate like the ubuntugeek reference 
    # suggest because it will remove ubuntu-minimal along with it,
    # which has a bunch of stuff we want. So, we just have to
    # disable the ntpdate service
    sudo update-rc.d -f ntpdate remove
    # Install NTP
    sudo apt-get install ntp
    # Edit the ntp configuration file: /etc/ntp.conf
    # Change the server lines to point to the pool servers
    # you want to use. 
    # In my case, we are on a LAN with no Internet access, 
    # so I will be the master time keeper, so I commented
    # out all server lines and added the following:
    # Fudge your local server's local clock to a lowish stratum 
    # so that other local computers will still use it as a time 
    # source, but will resync to a better time source when
    # they're able to.
    # Using a stratum of 9 means it's considered better than the
    # computer's own time (usually stratum 16 for unsynced, often 
    # stratum 12 for stand-alone time servers), but will be
    # considered a poor source of time compared to most other 
    # servers (usually stratums ranging from 1 to 4), and will 
    # be ignored in those cases (when better sources are available).
    fudge stratum 9
    # Restart the ntp service
    sudo service ntp restart
    # -------------------------------------
    #           Configure the Clients
    # -------------------------------------
    # Install NTP
    sudo apt-get install ntp
    # Edit the ntp configuration file: /etc/ntp.conf
    # Change the server lines to point to the IP (or DNS record
    # if you created one) of the LAN server created above
    # Bonus Points if you have a DNS entry for the NTP server
    # Restart the ntp service
    sudo service ntp restart
  • HOWTO: Using cpio to Copy a Partition in Linux

    Using cpio to copy everything from one partition to another in Linux, maintaining all file permissions, symlinks, and timestamps.

    # File: copy_partition.notes
    # Auth: burly
    # Date: 03/20/05
    # Desc: A method of copying everything from one 
    #      partition to another
    # Change directories to the top level of the 
    # partition you want to copy
    cd /part
    # Use find to locate all objects and cpio to copy them
    find . -mount -print0 | cpio -0dump /path/to/new/part
  • HOWTO: Rebuild a Software RAID 5 Array After Replacing a Disk

    How to rebuild a software RAID 5 array after replacing a failed hard disk on CentOS linux.

    # File: rebuild_RAID5.notes
    # Auth: burly
    # Date: 2005/08/09
    # Ref: 
    # Desc: Rebuild a degraded RAID 5 array w/ a new HDD
    # Assumptions: 
    	Failed drive is /dev/sda
    	Good drives are /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc
    	RAID array(s) are /dev/md3
    # Copy the partition table from one of the existing
    # drives over to the new drive
    sfdisk -d /dev/sdb | sfdisk /dev/sda
    # Rebuild the array
    mdadm --manage --add /dev/md3 /dev/sda1
    # Check mdstat for progress
    watch -n 60 cat /proc/mdstat
    	md3 : active raid5 sda[3] sdc1[1] sdb1[0]
    	      490223104 blocks level 5, 128k chunk, algorithm 2 [3/2] [UU_]
    	      [>....................]  recovery =  0.1% (380160/245111552) finish=64.3min speed=63360K/sec
    # That's it!
  • HOWTO: VMWare Server on CentOS 5.4

    I have a habit of creating .notes files whenever I’m doing system admin type work. I’ve collected a number of these over the years and I refer back to them fairly regularly whether I’m doing something similar or just looking for a specific command. I’ll be placing a bunch of these up here for easier access for me as well as public consumption in case anyone else finds them useful. They will be posted pretty much unedited, so they won’t be in the same “format” as I’ve used in the past, but hopefully they are sufficiently legible :-).

    Installation and Configuration of VMWare Server 2.x on CentOS 5.4 and 5.5. These instructions should mostly work on 5.0-5.6, note however that the glibc workaround is only necessary on 5.4 and 5.5. VMWare Server is no longer supported by VMWare but I continue to use it until I can upgrade my hardware to be ESXi compatible.

    # File: HOWTO_VMwareServer_on_CentOS_5.4.notes
    # Auth: burly
    # Date: 02/28/2010
    # Refs:
    # Desc: Installation of VMware Server 2.0.2 on CentOS 5.4 x86-64
    # Download VMware Server 2.x
    # Install dependencies
    yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-headers kernel-devel libXtst-devel libXrender-devel xinetd
    # Install VMware server
    rpm -ivh VMware-server-2.x.x-XXXXX.<arch>.rpm
    # Configure VMware server
    # Answer the series of questions. My answers are below:
    Networking: yes
    Network Type: Bridge
    Network Name: Bridged
    . vmnet0 is bridged to eth0
    NAT: no
    Host-only: no
    remote connectiosn port: 902
    http connections: 8222
    https connections: 8333
    Different Admin: yes
    Admin user: <my user account>
    VM File Location: /vwmare/vms
    VMware VIX API files: Default locations
    # ##########################################################
    # Deal with the hostd/glibc compatilibity issues of VMware 
    # Server 2.x w/ CentOS 5.4 - 5.5 (no issues with CentOS 5.3 
    # and earlier or CentOS 5.6. VMware Server had not addressed
    # this as of VMware Server 2.0.2-203138
    # Get the necessary glibc file from 5.3
    mkdir ~/vmwareglibc
    cd ~/vmwareglibc
    rpm2cpio glibc-2.5-34.x86_64.rpm | cpio -ivd
    # Stop the vmware service and kill any instances of hostd
    service vmware stop
    killall vmware-hostd
    # Move the libc file 
    mkdir /usr/lib/vmware/lib/
    mv lib64/ /usr/lib/vmware/lib/
    # Edit the VMware hostd process script
    vim /usr/sbin/vmware-hostd
    # At line 372, before the program is called, insert an
    # empty line and the following
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/vmware/lib/$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    # Start the vmware service
    service vmware start
    # Set the service to run on startup
    chkconfig vmware on
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #                           Optional Performance Tunings
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # -------------------------------------
    #    Server-wide Host VMware Settings
    # -------------------------------------
    # The following changes are made in /etc/vmware/config
    # Fit memory into RAM whenever possible and don't ballon
    # and shrink memory as needed.
    prefvmx.minVmMemPct = "100"
    # By default, VMware will back the guest's main memory with
    # a file the size of  the guest's nominal RAM in the working
    # directory (next to the vmdk). If we turn this off, then in
    # Linux the memory backed file will be created in the 
    # temporary directory while on Windows it will be back by the 
    # host's swap file. On Linux hosts, if we turn off named file
    # backing AND use a shared memory file system in RAM for the 
    # temporary directory, we will miss the disk completely
    # unless we are out of RAM on the host system.
    mainMem.useNamedFile = "FALSE"
    tmpDirectory = "/dev/shm"
    # The following changse are made in /etc/sysctl.conf
    # Disabling the kernel from over committing memory and only
    # using swap when physical memory has been exhausted helps
    # overall performance (vm.swapiness). The maximum user 
    # frequency covers how fast a virtual machine can set 
    # it's tick count to. The vm.dirty options tune how the
    # VM subsystem commits I/O operations to disk, you may 
    # not want to tune these values if you do not have a
    # stable power source.
    vm.swappiness = 0
    vm.overcommit_memory = 1
    vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5
    vm.dirty_ratio = 10
    vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 1000
    dev.rtc.max-user-freq = 1024
    # -------------------------------------
    #            Host OS Settings
    # -------------------------------------
    # In order for the VMWare configuration to work properly 
    # with shared memory, you'll need to increase the default
    # shared memory size for tmpfs to match the amount of
    # memory in your system. This can be done by
    # editing /etc/fstab
    tmpfs                   /dev/shm                tmpfs   size=8G                    0 0
    # In order for the tmpfs changes to take effect, 
    # remount the tmpfs
    mount -o remount /dev/shm
    # The following changes are made in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
    # Read ahead on the hard drive should be set to an
    # optimal value I have found an optimal value is
    # between 16384 and 32768.
    blockdev --setra 32768 /dev/md1
    # The following items are added as boot-time options
    # to the kernel for the host. To enable these values,
    # add them to /boot/grub/menu.lst at the end of the
    # kernel line.
    # On the host operating system, consider using deadline 
    # I/O scheduler (enabled by adding elevator=deadline to
    # kernel boot parameters), and noop I/O scheduler in
    # the guest if it is running Linux 2.6; using the noop 
    # scheduler enables the host operating system to better 
    # optimize I/O resource usage between different virtual machines.
    # -------------------------------------
    #            Per VM Settings
    # -------------------------------------
    # The following changes are made to the guest's vmx file
    # If we have enough RAM for all the guests to have their
    # memory in physical RAM all the time, then we can avoid 
    # the ballooning (grow/shrinking) to save CPU cycles. 
    # Note this will force the VMware hypervisor to swap
    # rather than balloon if it's in need of memory. 
    # Swapping is less desirable than ballooning.
    sched.mem.maxmemctl = 0
    # Disable memory sharing for the VM. This prevents the
    # hypervisor from scanning the memory pages for places
    # to de-dup memory across VMs and save space. This scanning
    # doesn't come free however, and if we have enough physical
    # RAM to support all of our VMs, then we don't really need
    # the savings.
    sched.mem.pshare.enable = "FALSE"
    mem.ShareScanTotal = 0
    mem.ShareScanVM = 0
    mem.ShareScanThreshold = 4096
    # The VMware clock synchronization features are a bit
    # problematic. If the guest clock gets behind,then VMware
    # will catch it up by trying to issue all of the missed
    # ticks until it is caught up. However, if the guest gets
    # ahead, then the VMware clock will not bring it back. So,
    # I am going to use ntp on the guest machines. If you have
    # a large number of guests, it's best to setup a local ntpd
    # server to offload some of the traffic from the root pools.
    tools.syncTime = "FALSE"
    # When I reboot the host, I want to gracefully stop each
    # VM instead of just powering it off:
    autostop = "softpoweroff"
    # -------------------------------------
    #            Guest OS Settings
    # -------------------------------------
    # The following items are added as boot-time options to 
    # the kernel for the host. To enable these values, add
    # them to /boot/grub/menu.lst at the end of the kernel line.
    # On the host operating system, consider using deadline I/O
    # scheduler (enabled by adding elevator=deadline to kernel
    # boot parameters), and noop I/O scheduler in the guest if it 
    # is running Linux 2.6; using the noop scheduler enables the 
    # host operating system to better optimize I/O resource usage
    # between different virtual machines.
    # The following kernel boot parameters will help performance 
    # and stability using Linux 2.6 as a guest. APCI/APIC support
    # must be enabled if you plan on using SMP virtualization in
    # the guest.Setting the clock to PIT has shown to have better
    # time keeping than other clock sources, your mileage may vary. 
    # Setting elevator to noop will enable the host operating 
    # system to better schedule I/O as it has an overview of the
    # whole system as opposed to just one virtual machine.
    # The current (March 3, 2010) guidance from VMware is that 
    # clocksource is no longer required in CentOS 5.4 Use this 
    # guide to determine what time keeping settings you need
    # for your Guest OS
    # CentOS 5.4 x86_64 Guest
    divider=10 elevator=noop